Tester's Corner
If you want to be sure that software works properly, you have to test it continuously. Tools such as PHPUnit are constantly evolving , as are the best practices for using them.
It doesn't matter whether you already have many years of experience in testing PHP software with PHPUnit or are just starting out in the world of testing, for example with our training courses Test Automation with PHPUnit or Advanced PHPUnit : When it comes to testing software, there is always something new to learn and old patterns to rethink.
Every month in the Tester's Corner, we cover briefly and concisely a topic related to the automated testing of software.
Tester's Corner 1188,- EUR 12 Credits
12 Online Sessions á 45 minutes
Testing collaborating objects
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Testing code that talks to the database
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Testing randomness and time
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Testing legacy code
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Using code coverage properly
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
What makes code testable
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Foul-smelling tests
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Recognising and dealing with risky tests
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
The shape and size of tests
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Structuring test suites
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Domain-specific assertions
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Customising and extending PHPUnit
Duration: 45 minutes
99,- EUR
1 Credit
Your Trainer

Exclusive and customized?
We are happy to conduct any training exclusively online ("in-house") for you. We adapt the content and focus to your specific wishes and needs and optionally work with examples directly from your code base.