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TYPO3 PHPUnit Code Sprint

TYPO3 PHPUnit Code Sprint

Last weekend I travelled to Hamburg, Germany to participate in a code sprint for making the PHPUnit TYPO3 extension better. This extension provides helper functions, and a nice back-end module for running unit tests. It is the first encounter with unit testing and automated quality assurance for many TYPO3 developers and users.

For two days we, five TYPO3 contributors plus myself, fixed known bugs in the PHPUnit TYPO3 extension, refactored and updated it for the latest versions of TYPO3 and PHPUnit, and worked on simplifying the environment for running the unit tests for TYPO3's core components.

In addition to contributing my first patch to TYPO3, I implemented a workaround in php-code-coverage for an issue that prevented the generation of code coverage reports with the TYPO3's core components' test suite. While I was at it, I also released phpunit-mock-objects 2.1.5 with the latest version of the workaround for the backwards compatibility break of the unserialize() function that was introduced in the latest PHP versions.

I would like to thank Oliver Klee for organizing the code sprint, our hosts at sitegeist media solutions GmbH who let us work in their office, and the TYPO3 Association for funding our travel expenses as well as the companies that supported us with their food and drink sponsorships.