Our patent remedy for the skills shortage
The Education Flat Rate
As a subscriber of our training flat rate, you can participate in a wide range of different events: over 200 hours of training for your team every year and generous guest regulations for trainees.
Upcoming events
Modern PHP: Type Safety
A closer look into new and rarely used PHP features. Since PHP 8, PHP can optionally be used as a type-safe language. Let's explore the advantages.
Live Coding: Chess
No textbook and no training can replace programming practice. Join us in our live coding sessions, where we teach you how to code like a pro. Moving a piece on a chess board can't be difficult to implement. Or can it?
Tester's Corner: Riskante Tests erkennen und behandeln
Jeden Monat behandeln wir kurz und prägnant ein Thema rund um das automatisierte Testen von Software.