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PHP 7 Day

When PHP turned 20, the core developers presented us with a really nice birthday present: version 7, released in December 2015. Today, PHP 7 is being used in production by a growing number of companies. This day will get you ready for PHP 7, in all aspects.

Sebastian Bergmann, creator of PHPUnit, will take you on a tour through the history of the PHP project. Find out where PHP originates from, and how it became one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. Why is there no PHP 6, and which crucial role did Facebook play? You will also take a look under the hood of PHP to better understand why PHP 7 can offer better performance and lower resource usage than PHP 5, and how this will affect the future of PHP. You will learn about the new language features introduced in PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1 as well as what PHP 7.2 will bring.

Arne Blankerts, security and infrastructure expert, will go in-depth about the installation and deployment of the PHP software stack. He will make the point why LAMP is no longer en vogue, and introduce you to some state-of-the-art alternatives. You will learn how to better scale PHP 7 and find out how you can smoothly transition from PHP 5 to PHP 7 from a sytem architect's point of view.

Stefan Priebsch, a leading PHP consultant and coach, will show you how to get your codebase ready for PHP 7. How can you leverage new features in legacy projects without having to rewrite everything from scratch? To prepare you for the big migration, common pitfalls will be covered, and you will get to know pragmatic solutions. He will also look at the business impact of PHP 7.

The day is rounded up with a Q+A session where no question will go unanswered, and we will open up the room for discussions.