So you think you know PHPUnit
Sebastian Bergmann
PHPUnit 10-12: What to know & what to forget
Sebastian Bergmann
Bye-Bye, CRUD?
Stefan Priebsch
The Developing Salesman
Stefan Priebsch
Brauchen wir Design Patterns?
Stefan Priebsch
Testing with Doubles: Why, When, and How?
Sebastian Bergmann
PHPUnit for Shopware Developers
Sebastian Bergmann
Can your Software travel in Time?
Arne Blankerts
PHPUnit 10 for Symfony Developers
Sebastian Bergmann
The Myth of the Monolith
Stefan Priebsch
Event-Based Testing
Sebastian Bergmann
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Software Tests
Stefan Priebsch
Was ist neu in PHP(Unit)?
Sebastian Bergmann
Deployments sind halt leider schwierig
Arne Blankerts
PHPUnit 10 für Symfony Entwickler:innen
Sebastian Bergmann
Zukunft nachhaltig mit Hilfe der Open Source Bewegung gestalten
Sebastian Bergmann
Julian Kunkel
The PHP Stack’s Supply Chain
Sebastian Bergmann
PHPUnit 10
Sebastian Bergmann
The PHP Foundation
Sebastian Bergmann
The Future is Now: Replacing Docker with Podman
Arne Blankerts
Clean + SOLID = More Expensive?
Stefan Priebsch
Enforcing Uniqueness in Distributed Systems
Stefan Priebsch
Protecting APIs
Arne Blankerts
Fearless Dependency Upgrades
Sebastian Bergmann
Honey, I shrunk the Container!
Arne Blankerts
Dependency Upgrades absichern
Sebastian Bergmann
PHP 8.2: Just upgrade and go?
Arne Blankerts
Hardening NGINX and PHP-FPM for Production
Arne Blankerts
DDoS Attacks on Open Source Infrastructure
Sebastian Bergmann
Arne Blankerts
The PHP Foundation: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Sebastian Bergmann
Roman Pronskiy
PHPUnit Best Practices
Sebastian Bergmann
PHPUnit 10: Why it’s delayed, what it brings
Sebastian Bergmann
Lies, Damned Lies, and Temporality
Stefan Priebsch
Airport ’22
Stefan Priebsch
Security: Purely a matter of the head(ers)?
Arne Blankerts
PHP 8.1: Just upgrade and go?
Arne Blankerts
PHP 8.1: The Evolution of a Programming Language That Wasn’t Meant To Be
Sebastian Bergmann
PHP 8.1 – Einfach upgraden?
Arne Blankerts
Über den Wolken ...
Stefan Priebsch
PHPUnit 10: Wo es bleibt, was es bringt
Sebastian Bergmann
Ihr Passwort zum Planeten Argon
Arne Blankerts
PHPUnit: The New Event System
Arne Blankerts
Seven Myths, Three Reasons, One Goal
Stefan Priebsch
Daemons with PHP: Should you really do that?
Arne Blankerts
PHPUnit 10: The New Event Subsystem
Arne Blankerts
Optimizing Your Test Suite
Sebastian Bergmann
PHPUnit: Past, Present, Future
Sebastian Bergmann
Nukleare Abrüstung dank typsicherem PHP
Sebastian Bergmann
Alles neu macht … der Herbst?
Arne Blankerts
Achterbahn oder doch lieber 8er-Bahn?
Stefan Priebsch
Open Source und die EU
Sebastian Bergmann
Avoiding Mockageddon
Sebastian Bergmann
PHP in 2020: Fully Loaded
Arne Blankerts
Introducing CQRS into Legacy Code
Stefan Priebsch
The Future of Authentication: An Introduction to WebAuthn
Arne Blankerts
The World Comes Preloaded
Arne Blankerts
CQRS and Event Sourcing Explained
Stefan Priebsch
The Future of Authentication: WebAuthn with PHP
Arne Blankerts
Entwickler: Das verlorene Handbuch
Stefan Priebsch
PHP Compiler Internals
Sebastian Bergmann
Optimizing nginx and php-fpm: From Beginner to Expert to Crazy
Arne Blankerts
How to get ready for PHP 8
Sebastian Bergmann
Beyond Clean Code: Building the Right Software
Stefan Priebsch
Das macht man heute so
Sebastian Bergmann
May the source be with EU
Sebastian Bergmann
Tools of the Trade
Sebastian Bergmann
Vom Besucherzähler zur treibenden Kraft des Web
Sebastian Bergmann
Richtig testen
Sebastian Bergmann
Pragmatic Queue Processing at Scale
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
Migrating to PHP 7
Stefan Priebsch
Protect Your API with Rate Limits
Arne Blankerts
Holy Smokes, I don't understand that code!
Stefan Priebsch
Personalization and Performance
Stefan Priebsch
Dinosaurs and Microservices: Why Architecture Matters
Stefan Priebsch
An Introduction to Event Storming
Arne Blankerts
Die Legende vom untestbaren Code
Sebastian Bergmann
Digitalization in a Domain-Driven World
Stefan Priebsch
Prepare for tomorrow, today
Sebastian Bergmann
Do you verify your views?
Sebastian Bergmann
Arne Blankerts
Optimizing PHP-FPM for Production
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
Making PHPUnit Better
Sebastian Bergmann
Pragmatic Event Sourcing
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
The Myth of Untestable Code
Sebastian Bergmann
Sebastian Heuer
Which framework?
Arne Blankerts
Stefan Priebsch
Heute schon an morgen denken
Sebastian Bergmann
Five Design Patterns You Need To Know
Stefan Priebsch
Rethinking Namespacing in PHP
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
Testing Self-Contained Systems
Sebastian Bergmann
Optimizing NGINX: From Beginner to Expert to Crazy
Arne Blankerts
Domain-Specific Assertions
Sebastian Bergmann
How hard can it be?
Arne Blankerts
Stefan Priebsch
How To Escape Legacy Hell
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
Everything you need to know about PHP 7.2
Sebastian Bergmann
From Legacy to Event-Driven
Stefan Priebsch
PHPUnit for Drupal Developers
Sebastian Bergmann
PHPUnit für Contao-Entwickler
Sebastian Bergmann
Setting up HTTPS is easy: what are you waiting for?
Arne Blankerts
PHP 7 Day
Sebastian Bergmann
Arne Blankerts
Stefan Priebsch
Testen: Je mehr Du es tust, desto mehr wirst Du es lieben
Sebastian Bergmann
Jeffrey A. McGuire
Lately in PHP(Unit)
Sebastian Bergmann
Deployment without the Hassle
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
Testing: the more you do it, the more you'll like it
Sebastian Bergmann
Jeffrey A. McGuire
The Five Rules of PHP Craftsmanship
Stefan Priebsch
PHP 7: What kind of language is it?
Sebastian Bergmann
Just married: Node.js and PHP
Arne Blankerts
How to manage your project's toolchain in 2016
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
Finding the right testing tool for the job
Sebastian Bergmann
Ciaran McNulty
28 Weeks Later
Sebastian Bergmann
Going HTTPS-Only
Arne Blankerts
Content Security Policy in the Wild
Arne Blankerts
Wie man sich auf PHP 7 vorbereitet
Sebastian Bergmann
Deployment ohne Streichhölzer oder: Deployment ist nun mal leider problematisch ...
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
How to get ready for PHP 7
Sebastian Bergmann
Stefan Priebsch
Test-Driven Domains
Sebastian Bergmann
Stefan Priebsch
Surviving the Next Upgrade
Stefan Priebsch
Revisited: The Webstack in 2015
Arne Blankerts
Content Security Policy – The end of Cross Site Scripting?
Arne Blankerts
At the push of a button, and without a maintenance window!
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Bergmann
Code Coverage: Covered in Depth
Sebastian Bergmann
Two-Stack CMS
Arne Blankerts
Robert Lemke
Moving Fast Without Deploying Broken Things
Sebastian Bergmann
Auf Knopfdruck – und ohne Wartungsfenster!
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Bergmann
A State of Mind
Sebastian Bergmann
Die Performance steigern wir dann später durch Caching?
Arne Blankerts
Sebastian Heuer
Passworte waren gestern
Arne Blankerts
The Flip Side of Dependency Injection
Arne Blankerts
HHVM: The New PHP?
Stefan Priebsch
HHVM: The Alternative PHP Runtime
Sebastian Bergmann
Goodbye LAMP Stack?
Arne Blankerts
The Driven Developer
Sebastian Bergmann
"Einfach so" mit Tests starten
Arne Blankerts
Judith Andresen
Vor BDD und TDD war PDD
Sebastian Bergmann
Manuel Pichler
More Tests or Better Code?
Sebastian Bergmann
Stefan Priebsch
Leveraging 12 Years of PHPUnit
Sebastian Bergmann
A Framework Is No Architecture
Stefan Priebsch
Agility and Quality
Sebastian Bergmann
I do not have time for this!
Arne Blankerts
Integrating PHP Projects with Jenkins
Sebastian Bergmann