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Event Storming - Wall of Stickies

Event Storming

is a lightweight method for collaborative modeling of business processes. Event Storming brings together software developers and business experts, fosters exchange, and enables shared learning. Mutual understanding is built, barriers and blockages in communication are removed.

The best book on the subject is " Introducing Event Storming " by the inventor of the method, Alberto Brandolini.

We are early adopters of the method: we have used Event Storming early and specifically in customer workshops and developed it further over the years. With our method, which is specifically geared towards a lean and efficient development process, we provide software developers with a versatile tool to implement Event Storming modeled business processes directly into functioning software using various design patterns.

We were therefore among the invited participants at the first Event Storming Summit in 2018 in Bologna, Italy. We spoke about Event Storming for example at the Dutch PHP Conference, the International PHP Conference in Germany, and at PHPDay in Italy.

While in classic Event Storming the moderator puts a strong focus on non-verbal communication, our adapted methodology has been shown to work very well online and in remote scenarios. On the contrary, it is even beneficial to selectively invite domain experts and managers to a session without incurring travel costs.


Arne Blankerts presents "An Introduction to Event Storming" at PHPDay 2019.

Presentation An Introduction to Event Storming More presentations