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Clean Code Principles

Clean Code Principles

Clean Code , a term coined by "Uncle Bob" Robert C. Martin , refers not only to clean and readable programme code, but also to the underlying development philosophy used to generate sustainable and maintainable code.

Each month we explain a clean code principle and show when and how to apply it correctly.

Clean Code Principles 990,- EUR

12 Online Sessions á 45 minutes

  1. Integration Operation Segregation Principle

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  2. Favour Composition over Inheritance

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  3. Single Level of Abstraction

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  4. Interface Segregation Principle

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  5. Dependency Inversion Principle

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  6. Information Hiding Principle

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  7. Open Closed Principle

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  8. Tell, don’t ask

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  9. Law of Demeter

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  10. Don´t Repeat Yourself

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  11. Keep it simple, stupid

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR
  12. You Ain´t Gonna Need It

    Duration: 45 minutes

    99,- EUR

Your Trainer

Stefan Priebsch Stefan Priebsch inspires with a combination of new ideas and field-tested approaches.

Exclusive and customized?

We are happy to conduct any training exclusively online ("in-house") for you. We adapt the content and focus to your specific wishes and needs and optionally work with examples directly from your code base.

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We will be happy to inform you by e-mail when a specific date for this training has been set.
Please enter your e-mail address here.

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Please enter your e-mail address here.

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We will contact you as soon as a date has been fixed.

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    Our offer is aimed exclusively at companies.

    All prices are subject to the statutory VAT applicable at the time of invoicing.

    After we receive your booking, you will receive your invoice from us the next working day and we will contact you by email to request the contact details of the participants.

    We use the data collected via this form exclusively for contract processing.



    Thank you for your booking!

    You will receive your invoice from us the next working day, and
    we will contact you by e-mail to ask for the contact details of the participants.