Event Sourcing
Event Sourcing means deriving state from a stream of unchanging events. While classic data-centric architectures usually store the current state of an application in a relational database, event sourcing understands the stream of events (event ledger or event log) as the canonical source of truth.
In this training, you will learn about event sourcing using numerous practical examples and live coding and how to apply it in practice. We will also look at the relationship between event sourcing and CQRS , show you how you can gradually introduce event sourcing into legacy applications, and provide valuable tips on using event sourcing in practice.
Learning Objectives
- Understanding event sourcing as an alternative to state-based systems
- Understanding and applying event sourcing at the code level
- Understanding the relationship between CQRS and event sourcing
Target Audience
This training is aimed at professional software developers who are not yet familiar with event sourcing or who have already had some experience with it. The exercises and code examples are in PHP, but are also accessible to programmers who develop in other object-oriented languages.
Participants should have at least 1-2 years of experience in programming with PHP or a similar programming language. They should have experience with procedural and object-oriented programming and be proficient in using an IDE and common development tools such as Git version control.
Event Sourcing 990,- EUR 10 Credits
5 Online Sessions á 120 minutes
No date is currently planned for this training.
- Make technical events explicit in the code
- Projections
- Event Handler
- Event Streams
- CQRS and Event Sourcing
- Synchronous and asynchronous event processing
- From legacy software to event sourcing
Your Trainer

Exclusive and customized?
We are happy to conduct any training exclusively online ("in-house") for you. We adapt the content and focus to your specific wishes and needs and optionally work with examples directly from your code base.