Live Demonstration
About twice a quarter we conduct a live demonstration online in a video conference. We know: there is no substitute for real practice, neither by a textbook, a blog post, or a tutorial. Even a recorded video cannot replace an interactive live demonstration because it lacks the possibility of interaction.
We offer two types of live demonstrations, which alternate with each other. Firstly, there is the live coding demonstration, where we take a library, a component or a framework and show what you can do with it. The one or other practical trick is of course included in the explanations.
The second type of live demonstrations are demonstrations of development tools. Here, we use example projects or even real projects to show how to use the tools, what you can do with them and what you have to pay special attention to. Here, too, we draw on a wealth of experience from many years of practice instead of just showing things that are in the manual anyway.
More information about our next Live Demonstration .