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Domain-Driven Design

Domain-Driven Design

When modelling and creating software, Domain-Driven Design (DDD) focuses on the domain rather than technical aspects. This training gives a comprehensive introduction to DDD, taking into account current trends and further developments. You will learn how to use Domain-Driven Design successfully in real projects.

Learning Objectives
Target Audience

This training is aimed at developers, architects and other stakeholders involved in the development or maintenance of complex software systems. This training is not particularly code-heavy; the code examples shown are in PHP, but are also understandable for participants with little programming knowledge or experience in another programming language.


Experience with the creation, maintenance or further development of complex software systems, whether as a developer or in another role.

Scope of Services

Please note that depending on the training booked, the individual online appointments may each take place at different times of the day.

Technical requirements for attending an online training.

Available online "inhouse"


Exclusive and customized?

We are happy to conduct any training exclusively online ("in-house") for you. We adapt the content and focus to your specific wishes and needs and optionally work with examples directly from your code base.

More information