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Refactoring means improving the structure of software without changing its externally observable behaviour. Each individual refactoring step, such as introducing a new method or renaming a variable, is small and therefore low-risk to implement.

In this compact training, you will experience in live coding style how to improve existing programme code step by step through refactoring, for example to prepare the implementation of a new feature, to make code easier to understand or to remove duplicated code.

Learning Objectives
Target Audience

Developers with PHP programming skills who need to maintain and further develop existing programmes. Experience with PHPUnit is an advantage, but not a prerequisite for this training.


Attendees should have at least 1-2 years of experience programming with PHP or a similar programming language. They should have experience with procedural and object-oriented programming and be confident in using an IDE and common development tools such as the version control Git.

Scope of Services

Please note that depending on the training booked, the individual online appointments may each take place at different times of the day.

Technical requirements for attending an online training.

Available online "inhouse"


Exclusive and customized?

We are happy to conduct any training exclusively online ("in-house") for you. We adapt the content and focus to your specific wishes and needs and optionally work with examples directly from your code base.

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