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We test your software together

We test your software together

The question is not whether you want to test software or not. The question is to what degree of automation you want to test software, because in the long run, untested is just as unworkable as repeated testing by hand. Tests must therefore be automated.

Test automation – it always sounds so easy in the textbook, but nowhere are the right, the difficult examples shown. There is a lot of material online, but solutions for the problems in your own project are not to be found there either.

In this training, you will work with the trainer to solve various problems related to test automation in your own software. Instead of showing slides and textbook examples, in this training you will learn which solution ideas and approaches exist for your test problems and which of them are particularly promising. You not only select the problems to be solved yourself, but also directly apply the solution approaches taught under the guidance of the trainer.

Learning Objectives
Target Audience

This training is aimed at software developers and software testers who have already gained initial experience with test automation.


For the successful execution of this training, we need the code of your software, either as an archive via e-mail or information from which repository which branch is to be checked out via version control. Furthermore, we need a selection of six points of interest in your codebase as well as related questions. We need these supplies at the latest one week before the first online session.

Scope of Services

The times for the individual online sessions are determined by mutual agreement. We recommend a weekly rhythm.

Technical requirements for attending an online training.

Available only online "inhouse"
